
Membership categories

  1. The Association shall consist of such Members, in such categories, as the Executive may from time-to-time prescribe. The requirements for admission and continuation of Membership, and associated rights, privileges and obligations, are advised according to the Membership category by the Executive.
  2. The Membership categories are as follows:
    1. Founding Member (Closed)
    2. Ordinary Member
    3. Retiree Member
    4. Hotel Fantasy Game Member
  3. To apply, join and remain a Member of the Association, applicants shall agree to uphold these Articles. 
  4. Applications for Membership are received via the Association’s website and are decided upon by the Executive.
  5. The Executive shall undertake whatever due diligence it deems necessary to satisfy itself that received applications for Membership are legitimate and valid.
  6. Acceptance of any Membership application is at the sole discretion of the Executive and no reason shall be given for non-acceptance of an application. The decision of the Executive shall be final and no correspondence shall be entered into.
  7. In the event of an application for Membership being declined, the Association shall make full and prompt reimbursement of the application fee and all actual related charges paid by the applicant.
  8. The Association and its Executive shall be held indemnified and shall accept no liability whatsoever of any kind, whether actual or consequential, relating to an applicant’s failure to secure Membership.
  9. The total global Membership and regional proportions thereof shall be as determined from time-to-time by the Executive.


Membership and Application Criteria

Founding Member (This Category Is Now Closed)

  1. The first 2,500 qualifying applicants in any nominated Position Category for Membership to the Association shall enjoy recognition as “Founding Members” and shall benefit from a number of special privileges.
  2. All privileges associated with Founding Membership shall continue in perpetuity and shall only cease in the event of termination or lapse of Membership for any reason.
  3. In the event of a lapse of Membership as a result of non-payment of due Membership fees, the lapsed Member shall lose all privileges associated with Founding Membership status and may re-apply for ordinary Membership and benefit from the associated privileges.
  4. To join as a Founding Member, applicants must:
    • Have joined within the first 2,500 members of any nominated Position Category.
    • Have had total management responsibility for a nominated function and its operations.
    • Have previously been in service as a Head of Function and now hold an Executive position in a hospitality management company or similar entity.
    • May now only qualify as a Retiree Member.
    • Founding Membership will close once Membership reaches 2,500 members.

Ordinary Member

  1. To join the Association as a Member, applicants must:
    • be currently in service in a nominated category.
    • Have total management responsibility for a function and its operations.
    • Have previously been in service as a Head of Function and now hold an Executive position in a hospitality management company or similar entity.

 Retiree Member

  1. Retiree Membership is open to those who are no longer in full-time employment and do not intend to continue working or cannot continue their career for reasons of age or disability.
  2. The Executive has the discretion to approve applications for Retiree Membership from individuals currently in service and reaching retirement age.
  3. Retiree Members must have served a minimum of three years as a Head of Function during their working career.
  4. Retiree Members are eligible to apply to the Executive for Coach/Mentor accreditation.

Duties and Rights of Membership

  1. All Members shall agree to abide by the Charter and any other Rules and Regulations of the Association as amended and/or appended by the Executive from time to time and notified by email and as published on the Association’s website.
  2. Decisions by the Executive in all administrative and financial matters and issues remain at its absolute discretion and shall be final.
  3. All Members agree to uphold the values of the Association and act with honour and mutual respect in their dealings with the Association, their peers and fellow Members at all times.

Voluntary Resignation from Membership

  1. Resignation of Membership should be lodged in writing to the Executive.
  2. Refund of Membership fees paid are made at the sole discretion of the Executive and in the event of Voluntary Resignation shall be proportional and reimbursed in a timely manner.
  3. Resignations shall be handled by the Executive in a common business manner.

 Involuntary Suspension or Termination of Membership

  1. Any Member found in contravention of these Articles, or who for any reason brings the Association or any of its Members into disrepute, either morally or materially, shall have their Membership suspended by the Executive and shall lose all associated rights.
  2. In the event of conduct deemed unbecoming of the stated principles or expectations associated with the Association, the Executive shall retain the right to suspend the Member concerned and or withdraw Membership benefits for a term of its discretion.
  3. In extreme cases, including and not limited to dishonourable conduct and in the event of any judgment in a Court of Law in respect to an illegal act, the Executive retains the right to revoke Membership of an individual without reimbursement of subscription and any other charges paid by the individual concerned.

 Membership Card

  1. Each Member shall be issued a Membership card featuring their Name, Membership status, and number.
  2. The Membership card is provided for identification purposes only. It is non-transferable and has no monetary value.
  3. The card should be presented as requested when availing certain privileges and services facilitated by the Executive, its partners, co-members and other third-party collaborators.
  4. Loss of the Membership card should be reported immediately to the Executive and, upon the conclusion of any necessary investigation, shall be replaced at the Member’s cost.

 Protection of the Title

  1. In the event of suspension, resignation or expulsion of a Member, the individual concerned must remove from their name and profile any reference to Membership of the Association and any title/s bestowed by the Association, which is/are attributed to the Association. Continued use of any terms reserved by the Association is not permitted in any form without the express written consent of the Executive.

Membership Fees

  1. Details on payment of Membership joining and renewal fees and related charges are available on and are confirmed to each applicant Member by email at the time of the application.
  2. Membership renewal reminders will be sent to each Member’s registered email address - the first 1 month, and the second 1 week - prior to the date of renewal. In the event of non-renewal Membership will be deemed to have expired and all associated benefits and privileges will be terminated.
  3. Membership fees are set by the Executive and at all times will reflect the prestige of the Association balanced against the objectives, so to offer affordable Membership subscriptions to all who meet the qualification criteria.
  4. Payment of Membership dues shall be made online via the Association’s website, or by Bank Transfer.
  5. Confirmation of Membership renewal is sent by email to the Member’s registered email address.
  6. Membership renewal fees for Retirees shall remain fixed in perpetuity at the same rate as the initial joining fee.