Retirement & Saving Options

Saving for retirement
If you want to ensure you have the retirement you planned for, it is up to you to make sure you have planned ahead and saved enough. By using a medium to long term unit linked product, you can take advantage of the potential long term growth opportunities in stock markets around the world to help meet your retirement goals.
Hansard International has developed a plan for IAHGM members which is designed to allow you to make regular contributions over the long term to build up a lump sum for your retirement. Your contributions will be linked to funds you choose from the Hansard International fund range.
The plan is available to IAHGM members aged 18 and above and may be held on an individual basis with single or joint owners, or within a trust. Please note that we cannot accept applications from residents of the USA, US Persons and members of EU member states.
- You can continue to save into the plan as your career develops and you move to a different employer or country
- Save regularly from as little as £325 (approx. $400) per month with no charge for credit card payments
- Increase, decrease or temporarily suspend your regular savings to suit your changing circumstances without a charge
- Make additional contributions whenever you require, either transferring money from another product or perhaps investing a bonus or windfall
- Invest in a wide range of stock market-linked funds covering different regions, industries and currencies
- Low ongoing charges to maximise the potential growth of your savings – 100% of each premium is invested, and once £15,000 has been paid then there is only an annual management charge taken from the fund, and a quarterly establishment charge spread for two years after each premium
- Choose when to access your retirement savings without penalty
For more details contact